[ about company ]
From Sketch to Life
Refining Design Interiors is established on 24 January 2019. It is classified as Non-Govt Company and is registered at Hyderabad, Telangana. Considering the utility nature of the objects of Refining Design Interiors, it has been incorporated as a “Not for Profit” Company under the provisions of Section 0001(3)(b) of Companies Act 1952.
What Can We Offer
Current Clients
years of experience
awards winning
Offices Worldwide
Get Incredible Interior Design Right Now!
Refining Design Interiors offers a wide range of interior design services to meet any client’s needs in all over India. We are providing the services in terms of design, build and implementation of interiors designs projects.
[ our skills ]
The Core Company Values
- Team expertise with more than 20 Professionals.
- Practical and vast experience in Construction Project Management Technology infrastructure Consulting Services.
- Service teams in Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Vishakhapatnam, and New Delhi (NCR).
interior sketch
3D Modeling
2D Planning

[ OUR Client ]